Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Advantages and disadvantages of blog as a new medium of journalism world.

MAY 2010
Name :                                    KAVISUTHA A/P RAGHAVAN
Matric Number  :                  821008055056001
IC Number  :                          821008-05-5056
Contact / Phone Number : 017-3373308
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Blog address:                      http://
Tutor’s Name :                     SULAIMAN BIN SALLEH
Learning Centre :                SEREMBAN LEARNING CENTRE
Date of Submission:           19.08.2010
(Tutor to verify)
            Blog is an online journal where we can use it to share our opinions, write about an issue and also can be edit every day. Blog is a short form of the term “Weblog”.  Blog is a journal where we can use it as a diary or as a book. Blog is very easy to use by everyone. There is no any special technique need to use the blog and easy to access by all. Blog is very easy to like how we use Microsoft Office.
             There are few term in blog that is blogging, blogger and article. Blogging is editing and managing the blog. Blogger is the person who own and write the blog. Whatever the blogger writes called article. So the blog is verb means update and manage the blog.
            Blog is not only in the content of text but also can be in the content of photoblog, podcasting and vlog. Photoblog is photographs which the blog is fully content of photos and images.  Podcasting is audio blog which we can listen and download by the bloggers and the visitors. The third one is Vblog that is video blog where we can view the video clips about a topic they discuss. So blog is not only text but also have some other functions which can benefit the users.
            There are also few categories of blog such as personal blog, business blog and content blog. Personal blog is not focus to any specific topic or for any reason. It’s for our own purpose to write and share anything we like about any topic and to communicate with the other bloggers. In personal blog also can post gossips, personal issues and discuss with other bloggers about the topics that we post.
 Business blog is for just for the purpose of business. We can describe about the product that we promote, the latest issues about the products, write some articles or testimonial from the users so that those who read can understand and buy the product. Business blog is more to attract the customers. So business blog is most be in good order and attractive. If the readers not interested to the blog means they won’t view the blog anymore. Another category of blog is content blog that is focus more to income. There will be specific topic that can be benefits the writer and the readers of the blog.
Meanwhile, journalism is a report which is involves gather information by research or interviews. When the information gathered and become a story for publication in radio, television and in this new era in blog. So journalism is reporting news in media such newspaper and magazines.  Nowadays there are many journalists using blog to post their report. Blog has become intermediate between the journalist and the readers. Journalism is the place where the journalists have their freedom of information and expressions.
Journalist is those who are working as a reporter in the media such as newspapers, television, radio and internet. Journalist is not only giving text based report but also in photograph, video which they edit and elaborate. Journalist must be very careful and must be clarify the fact before their report published to the public. There are several ethics that should follow by the journalist such as they have to follow the rules and regulations. Journalists have freedom to write and published their report but they still have to admit that they have to barriers in this journalism field. They cannot simply write a report that against the government policies. Journalist also must be always updated to the latest issues which can give information to the public. In Malaysia the most popular journalist is Karam Singh Walia. He is working as a journalist in TV3. He is a well known person and very famous journalist.
Advantages and disadvantages of blog as a new medium of journalism world.
In this new era, many new technology upcoming days after day give many changes in our daily life. Journalism is also one of the sectors that face many changes. In the past, journalism means the report that publishes in the newspaper, television, magazines and radio. The trend now changes to the journalist stated to use the internet for publishing their reports.
There are few websites which use by the journalist worldwide to publish their articles and reports. Blog is the one of the website use by the journalist and the website also famous among the journalist. In the blog they can post their reports online. The online reports always can reach the readers very easy and very fast.
Blog has become very important component in the internet for the journalism. Blog have increased the popularity among the journalist because it has many new features that make the journalist’s work done by very fast and effective. Internet has become new media for the journalism and blog become the mediator for the journalist and the bloggers. Nowdays there are many people spend their time reading blog. Almost all the journalist now has their own blog which we can read and view. Blog has become a platform for the journalist to post their report. Blog is like a diary for the journalist. We can read their daily activities, updates and new post.
Blog has many effective and important features which can benefits the journalism. In the past journal is just in the text based only. Blog provide extra component such as the journalist can post their report not only in text but also by using photograph, video and images. It will help them to explain their point clear and easily. The journalists no need to wait to publish their post until next day. They immediately can post in their blog from the place where they were.
Another advantage of the blog is journalism is a freelance platform. The journalist can post their anything they want such as they can post the social problems issues, gossips, new government projects and plan and also many more. Journalist has freedom to and they have their own space for the report. If in magazines and newspapers there are just limited space will be given for them. Moreover in radio and in television they have only limited time. In blog they can write, speak and send photos as much as want.
There are many journalists now choosing blog as their main port to publish the reports because blog is very easy to create. There are no any special features or skills needs to create a blog. There is no any payment for the usage of the blog service. There is no any high cost maintenance needed to maintain the blog. The journalists just have to update the blog frequently. The reports that they post in their blog can read by the bloggers immediately and also there is a space for the readers to give their comments. The bloggers also can give their opinion to the journalist. So there will be a two way communication between the journalist and the bloggers.
In every blog there will be a space for discussion where we can discuss any topics regarding any issues. We can discuss any problem and can find the solutions in the blog. There are lots of issues that we can discuss everyday in the blog. There will be many social issues that can discuss and we can read the professionals comment or give solutions for those issues.
Blog is not only used by journalist from our country. There are many journalist from other countries also are using the blog. The journalist no needs to go to the other countries to get the latest issues in that country. They can exchange the report that they have among them thru online. Blog has become mediator for them to exchange the news. So the news from other countries also we can get thru online.
There are many types of journalism such as news journalism, celebrity journalism, fashion journalism, environmental journalism, investigative journalism, sports journalism and business and finance journalism.
News journalism is manly for cover all the facts in a straight forward way. News journalism is focus to the main point and there will be no any unnecessary news in the article or report. The news will short and snappy. Moreover all the news is accurate all the time. All the other media such as television, radio, newspaper and magazines normally will use the online news journalism blog as their reference for their publications. News journalism basically focuses on political issues and social problems or changes and also cultural issues and events.
The second most popular blog is celebrity journalism. There are almost everyone has their favorite celebrity. The most visit blog is celebrity journalism blog by the youngsters. The journalist will cover the celebrity’s life stories and latest updates and many more. Celebrity journalism not only covers the celebrity’s personal matters but it’s also covered about all types of entertainment such as music, dance and films. All the developments of these fields will be updated by the journalist frequently. Apart from that the spots news also can be categorized as celebrity journalism. Many of us fan of the athletes those who are involved in sports. The most famous sport that has many fans is football. Recently the world cup was become the most covered story in every media.
            The next journalism blog is fashion journalism blog. In the past, most of us was followed the tradition way and there is no any fashion of living. Now the trends of fashion changed and we started to follow the new trend of fashion that faced many changes day after day. The journalist will cover the report the latest trend of fashion in their blog. This on the other way can help to business and also the lifestyle. Those who are interested in changing fashion and also lifestyle always will love to read these blogs.
             Many of us like to follow what the fashion that uses by the celebrities. All the new fashion or trend that used by the celebrities will be cover by the journalist and post in the fashion journalism blog. The printed version such as newspapers and magazines will take time and we have to wait for it.  But the journalism blog will give us hot news all the time.
            The environmental journalism is focus to news related to the environmental issues. There are many awareness programs and campaign regarding the safe the environment from the pollutions. The journalist covers this kind of issues reports or news in their blogs. Many of us easily can influent from the blog and we will start to love the environment. All the recent activities of the environment society or agencies will be in the blog.
Investigative journalism blog is most interesting journalism among the journalism blog. In my personal opinion the investigative journalism is very challenging. The journalist must cover the stories regarding any issues or cases. The journalist also spends long time to study and analyze about the cases that they wanted to cover. Normally an investigation will take many years to solve. So the journalist also must spend and follow up the case details to get the full story.  One of the examples is the Altantuya Shaariibuu case that brings many controversies in our country. There are many journalists study the case and follow the case and post in their wall. This case is still in the mention in the court since 2007. The journalist must concentrate and must update the recent development of this case everyday.
            Sports journalism blog is most wanted blog among the youngsters. The journalist will update the latest issues that happening in the sports world. They will post the accurate information and statistics about the sports. There will be also interviews of the sports celebrity. The fans of the sports will welcome this kind of information and it will help them to be updated always.  The sports blogs also will help the youngsters to divert their intension. They will focus to the sports on their free times.
The last but not list is the business and finance blog. The journalist will cover all the reports about products, new products and its benefits and stocks markets. Many of us will look for the new launch products or new developments areas for the investments. The blog is fully filled with the business news which can be benefits the businessmen. 
Apart from the advantages, there are some disadvantages also from the journalism blog this can make the writer and the others in to the troubles.  The journalist must follow some rules and regulations of the online journalism. There are ethics that should followed by the journalist. Before become a journalist they must understand the ethics of journalism.
The effect of the online journalism is when the journalist gave unproven report or wrong statement about issues will become big controversy among the readers or those who are involved. The self disciplines of the journalist will be questions by the public. The journalist also will face difficulty when they write law principled value and dramatized stories. The journalist must write the articles which can really benefits the readers. If the article is not interesting and no useful points sure the bloggers will not go to the blog again. When the is a journalist write an article about a issues or any sensational news there will be someone who related with the matter will not satisfied and feel that the journalist interfere to their personal matters. For an example when the blog writer Raja Petra Kamaruddin wrote article about the Altantuya Shaarribuu there are many controversy came out. He also forced to face consequences for the article that he wrote. Blog is not only for the journalist but also the normal person also can create a blog and write their articles. So there will be a confusions if the statement given by the journalist and by those who are not a journalist when their article regarding same issues but in different thoughts and opinions.  
            In my opinion the online journalism is has its own importance and priority. Every coins have two sides. We must know which is correct and wrong. We must have enough of knowledge to analyze which information is good and which is unnecessary for us. 
            The journalism also faced many changes in these few couple of years since the use of blog become famous and necessary for everyone. The journalist must study the journalism before become a journalist. Their also must have to do some research and analysis before write an article or report. Theory is very important to learn the journalism ethics and must do lots of exercise and analysis to improve the skills.
There are many union for the journalist to protect defend for them. One of the Union is The National Union of Journalist Malaysia. The main two objective of the Union is to make sure the journalist who work in Peninsular Malaysia is secure and to defend for the freedom of the Press. 